International Business Management

Uczelnia: Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Przyrodnicza

Wydział: Wydział Nauk Społecznych

Dziedzina nauki: nauki społeczne

Tryb studiów: stacjonarne

Stopień studiów: I stopnia

Język studiów: angielski

Business Management Programme is aimed at educating and training international business professionals working successfully in any country or culture. The hands-on and case-based teaching approach provides each graduate with a comprehensive knowledge of business and economics, including the fields of marketing, sales, finance, quality, and management.

Degree: bachelor of arts

About a course

The BA programme includes placements with successful and innovative companies, integrated throughout the programme. It is an opportunity to verify one’s performance under the supervision of highly-qualified business practitioners, to confront one’s knowledge and skills with real-life business challenges, and to acquire first contacts in the professional world of business.


The graduates are trained as highly independent and well-qualified professionals familiar both with the nature of international business activities on a global scale as well as the realities, environment and best practices of small and medium-sized players on local markets.

Learn more

Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Przyrodnicza im. Wincentego Pola w Lublinie
ul. Choiny 2,
20-816 Lublin

Biuro Rekrutacji
tel.: +48 (81) 448 08 20,
tel.: +48 (81) 740 72 40 w.46