Plant Protection and Phytosanitary Control

College: University of Life Science in Lublin

Department: Wydział Ogrodnictwa i Architektury Krajobrazu

Area: Engineering and technology, agricultural sciences, Natural sciences

Type: Part-time studies

Degree: Master’s Programs

Language: Polish

College type: Public

This is a new and unique department in Polish educational market. According to Directive 2009/218/WE, member states are obliged to introduce into practice principles of integrated plant protection by 1 January 2014, as well as to provide farmers with access to advisory services concerning plant protection. Consequently, specialists in modern plant protection will be desirable in the job market in the coming years.
Plant protection is considered to be a vital and essential part of plant production technology. Its aim is the prevention of lower yields caused by diseases, pests, and weeds, as well as crops protection in warehouses. Additionally, other branches of science such as phytopatology, entomology and herbology assist plant protection. Phytosanitary Inspection plays an important role in domestic and international trade, as its aim is to prevent proliferation and transmission of pests and pathogens in plants and plant products while crossing borders. 
The curriculum entirely trains students to diagnose plant diseases and pests, to conduct sustainable usage of pesticides, to prepare expert opinions as well as crop protection plans. Moreover, the graduates are capable of sanitary plant inspection, raw plants and plant products inspection, and issuance of phytosanitary certificates.

Professional perspective:
Graduates of the department are trained to work as qualified consultants for State Plant and Seed Inspection, Agricultural Advisory Centre, Customs, and phyto- and entomological laboratories. At the same time, the alumni are entitled to trade and employ plant protection products. In addition, they are qualified to perform instructions and implement strategies and techniques of integrated plant protection and  biological methods of organisms control.

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
ul. Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin

Centrum Dydaktyki i Spraw Studenckich
tel.: +48 (81) 445 66 45 lub +48 (81) 445 68 85

Dział Kształcenia Praktycznego i Ustawicznego
ul. Głęboka 31 (łącznik przed CSR), pok. 115
tel.: +48 (81) 445 66 30, ~67 08, ~68 93, ~61 03

Obsługa cudzoziemców:
tel.: +48 (81) 445 66 91

Szkoła Doktorska UP w Lublinie
ul. Akademicka 13, pok. 462
tel. +48 (81) 445 65 97
kom. 572 330 876