Lublin Student Council

The Lublin Student Council is an innovative and unique advisory body in Poland, established to represent the academic community and provide insights and recommendations to the Mayor of Lublin. It comprises 26 members, including representatives from three international student organizations (AIESEC, ELSA, and IFMSA) and nine universities in Lublin: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin University of Technology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Medical University of Lublin, WSEI University, Vincent Pol University in Lublin, University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin and Academy of Social and Medical Sciences in Lublin.

The Council was formed to address various academic and student-related issues within the city, providing a platform for students to actively participate in decision-making processes affecting their community. This initiative is a response to the need for greater student engagement and representation in city governance, especially given the significant student population in Lublin.

The Council’s innovative approach includes promoting Lublin as a desirable study destination, supporting the recruitment of both Polish and international students, and fostering cooperation among local universities. Additionally, it works towards the internationalization of Lublin’s academic institutions and strengthens student integration through various initiatives and events.

Members of the Lublin Student Council, April 2024.

Members of the Lublin Student Council


Summary of the First Term of the Council’s activities

Members of the Lublin Student Council during one of their working meetings

Members of the Lublin Student Council actively participated in co-organizing the European Youth Capital Lublin 2023 program
(pictured: Council representatives with city officials and NGO representatives on stage)

First meeting of the Program Council of the European Youth Capital with Daria Żuraw representing the Lublin Student Council

Council representatives actively participating in conferences and panel discussions. Here, at the conference on implementing the Youth Fund to support the creation and activation of youth councils and student government bodies in the Lublin Voivodeship.

Council representatives actively participating in the Eastern Congress of Young Leaders, focusing on youth engagement and leadership development.

These are also highly engaged students and doctoral students. In the photo: The former Chair of the Council – Daria Żuraw with the Mayor of Lublin, Dr. Krzysztof Żuk, during the awards ceremony for outstanding students organized by the Union of Lublin Universities.

Thanks to the Council, its members can grow and develop. They explored personality types, team dynamics, communication success, and trust-building during an MBTI® training session.

Council members during the signing of the ‘City of Youth – Lublin Declaration,’ demonstrating the city’s commitment to addressing and incorporating the voice of young people in Lublin’s development.

Meeting of Council members, city officials, and Her Excellency Daphne Bergsma, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

First group photo of the Lublin Students’ Council – the inauguration of the Council.