Programs available

Thanks to the variety of programs offered by both public and private universities, Lublin is an attractive place to study for young people from all over the world. Each university strives to provide students with the best conditions for academic and professional development, making Lublin one of the most important academic centers in the country.

In the 2024/2025 academic year, Lublin’s universities offer over 200 programs in Polish and more than 50 programs in English. This provides students with a wide selection of courses tailored to their interests and career aspirations. The English-language programs also attract many international students. Such a diverse educational offering makes Lublin a dynamically developing academic center, open to students from various parts of the world.

A list of Polish-language and English-language programs offered by Lublin’s universities for the 2024/2025 academic year can be found in the attached file.


– bachelor’s degree
II° – master’s degree
JM – long-cycle master’s studies
S – full-time studies
SN – full-time and part-time studies
N – part-time studies

UMCS – Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
KUL – John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Pollub – Lublin University of Technology
UP – University of Life Sciences in Lublin
UMLub – Medical University of Lublin
WSEI – WSEI University
AWP – Vincent Pol University in Lublin
WSPA – University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin
ANSiM – Academy of Social and Medical Sciences in Lublin