Artificial intelligence

College: The John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin

Department: Wydział Nauk Ścisłych i Nauk o Zdrowiu

Area: Engineering and technology, Natural sciences

Type: Full-time studies

Degree: Bachelor programs

Language: Polish

College type: Public

Studying Artificial Intelligence will give you very specific professional competencies that will enable you to, among other things, create simple and complex computer programs to solve problems related to AI (Artificial Intelligence), as well as analytical and IT competencies such as programming in Python scripting language and R language. It is also an opportunity to acquire skills in using specialized programming tools in the areas of – as stated by the founders of the major – reasoning automation, knowledge representation, machine learning and natural language processing.

Source: KUL.

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Al. Racławickie 14,
20-950 Lublin

Biuro Rekrutacji KUL
al. Racławickie 14
20-950 Lublin
tel.: +48 (81) 445 41 37

Obsługa cudzoziemców:
tel.: +48 (81) 445 42 16

Uniwersyteckie Centrum Rozwijania Kompetencji
tel.: +48 (81) 445 39 96
tel.: +48 (81) 445 39 95

Szkoła Doktorska KUL
Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin
tel.: +48 (81) 445 41 89
tel.: +48 (81) 445 41 29