Environmental and industrial analytics

College: University of Life Science in Lublin

Department: Wydział Agrobioinżynierii

Area: Engineering and technology, Natural sciences

Type: Part-time studies

Degree: Bachelor programs

Language: Polish

College type: Public

Environmental and industrial analytics is a field of engineering research aimed at people who are interested in agriculture, natural, and engineering sciences. A graduate is a highly qualified specialist who is ready to perform multidisciplinary tasks and solve problems in the field of economics and the environment. He is ready to assess the quality of individual elements of the environment and analyze materials, raw materials, and products.

Source: UP Lublin.

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
ul. Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin

Centrum Dydaktyki i Spraw Studenckich
tel.: +48 (81) 445 66 45 lub +48 (81) 445 68 85

Dział Kształcenia Praktycznego i Ustawicznego
ul. Głęboka 31 (łącznik przed CSR), pok. 115
tel.: +48 (81) 445 66 30, ~67 08, ~68 93, ~61 03

Obsługa cudzoziemców:
tel.: +48 (81) 445 66 91

Szkoła Doktorska UP w Lublinie
ul. Akademicka 13, pok. 462
tel. +48 (81) 445 65 97
kom. 572 330 876