Sport Science

Uczelnia: Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Przyrodnicza

Wydział: Факультет Соціальних Наук

Dziedzina nauki: nauki medyczne i nauki o zdrowiu

Tryb studiów: stacjonarne

Stopień studiów: I stopnia

Język studiów: angielski

Sport Science is a field of study examining the functioning of a healthy human body under the influence of exercise, training, and many other stimuli, and the ways of promoting health by means of physical activity. It is a multidisciplinary field of study, including such areas as Physiology, Psychology, Anatomy, and Biochemistry.

The main aim of the Sports Science program is to educate highly qualified specialists of sports science, endowed with broad theoretical and practical knowledge concerning physical education, sport, and health promotion.

Університет Суспільно-Природничих Наук ім. Вінцента Поля
вул. Хоіни (ul. Choiny) 2
20-816 Люблін

тел. +48 (81) 740 72 40
тел. +48 (81) 740 25 08
тел. +48 (81) 740 25 04