
Uczelnia: Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Przyrodnicza

Wydział: Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu

Dziedzina nauki: nauki medyczne i nauki o zdrowiu

Tryb studiów: stacjonarne

Stopień studiów: jednolite magisterskie

Język studiów: angielski

Physiotherapy is a medical profession providing healthcare services with respect to restoring and maintaining proper body functionality and mobility. In many settings, physical therapy is combined with other medical services, aimed at prevention and treatment of illnesses.

Degree: master of science

Graduate’s profile

MSc in Physiotherapy prepares students for independent work with ill and disabled patients applying physical methods with preventive and healing purposes. Students gain the abilities of planning and controlling the effectiveness of a medical rehabilitation process. Acquiring these abilities is possible thanks to an extensive schedule of theoretical and practical classes within special methods used in physiotherapy, neurodevelopmental techniques (PNF,neuromobilisation), physical medicine and functional diagnosis and rehabilitation programming.


Graduates are prepared for work in scientific research institutions, state administrative and municipal centers and gain the right to apply for a specialty in physiotherapy and PhD studies.

Learn more

Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Przyrodnicza im. Wincentego Pola w Lublinie
ul. Choiny 2,
20-816 Lublin

Biuro Rekrutacji
tel.: +48 (81) 448 08 20,
tel.: +48 (81) 740 72 40 w.46