
Университет: Университет Экономики и Инноваций в Люблине

Департамент : Факультет администрации и социальных наук

Область науки: Инженерно-технические науки

Формат обучения: Дневная форма обучения

Степень: Бакалавриат

Язык: Английский

Logistics is an important element of modern economic life. It allows the free flow of materials, raw materials in the course of production, all types of cargo, passenger and freight traffic and tourism. The purpose of education is to learn the basic logistical tasks that support modern management in a production enterprise.

The aim of the program is to educate human resources for modern society and economy, pushed the growing demand for mobility of people and goods. This mobility can be viewed in two dimensions. On the one hand, in a dynamic economy and society requires it the implementation of a variety of innovations in the field of transport and communications, and its result in the necessity of their rapid operationalization and transfer to recipients. On the other hand, it requires the ability to create a physical and efficient movement of new products, emerging from the high frequency on the market, as well as human resources, with leading mobile life in a globalized society.

Высшая Школа Экономики и Инноваций в Люблине
ul. Projektowa 4,
20-209 Lublin
тел./факс: +48 (81) 749 17 70
факс: +48 (81) 749 32 13

Приемная комиссия
Бюро обслуживания студента
ul. Projektowa 4, Lublin
тел.: +48 (81) 749 17 77
тел.: +48 (81) 749 32 52